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Who was John Graves Simcoe?
The Founder of the city of Toronto
The Founder of the city of Calgary
The Founder of the city of Victoria
The Founder of the city of Kingston



What is the significance of the sport lacrosse in Canada?
It is Canada’s official summer sport.
It is Canada’s official winter sport.
It is fun game played on ice.
It is Canada’s most popular sport.



Who is the head of the government in Canada?
The Prime Minister
The Commissioner
Queen Elizabeth II
The Premier



Who was General Sir Arthur Currie?
The greatest Canadian soldier in the First World War
The most famous explorer of western Canada
The person who started the “Marathon of Hope”
The greatest military leader of the Métis



People from which country played a significant role in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway?
Great Britain



The discovery of insulin was a result of whose work?
Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best
Dr. Emily Stowe
John Graves Simcoe
Charles Best and Reginald Fessenden



To whom or what do Canadians profess loyalty?
To a person who represents all Canadians
To the Canadian Flag
To the Canadian Constitution
To Geopolitical entities



The Municipal Government is responsible for which of the following?
Garbage removal
Natural resources



Who is considered by many to be the father of Manitoba?
Louis Riel
Dr. Emily Stowe
John Graves Simcoe
Gabriel Dumont



How often are federal elections held in Canada?
Every four years
Every six years
Every five years
Every seven years



What does the blindfolded Lady Justice symbolize?
The judicial system is blind to all considerations other than facts.
The judicial system must respect all the legal rights to which a blind person is entitled under the law.
The judicial system is founded on the presumption of innocence in criminal matters.
None of these



What is a political candidate?
A person who is registered to run for an office in an election
A government employee
A staff member of Elections Canada
A member of the Canadian Senate Committee



How many territories does Canada have?



What is significant about Canada and America sharing "the world’s longest undefended border"?
It enables millions of Canadians and Americans to cross the border every year in with relative ease and safety.
It enables Canadians to enter the USA without needing identification.
It enables over three-quarters of Canadian exports to enter the USA every year without taxes or fees.
It enables Canada to export billions of dollars worth of energy products to the USA every year.



For which of the following is the provincial government responsible?
Property and civil rights
Interprovincial Trade and Communications



For which of the following is the federal government responsible?
Criminal law and citizenship
Civil Rights



In which industry do most Canadians work?
Natural resources
Information Technology



Which of the following is Canada’s only officially bilingual province?
New Brunswick



What is the meaning of the national motto, the Latin phrase, “A Mari Usque Ad Mare”?
From sea to sea
National pride
The rule of law
None of these



Quebec is Canada’s main producer of which of the following?
Pulp and paper
Literary works
Processed foods



Which of the following are the three founding peoples of Canada?
The Aboriginals, the French, and the British
The French, the Americans, and the Indians
The British, the Americans, and the Aboriginals
The Americans, the French, and the British



What three requirements must a potential elector meet in order to vote in a federal election?
A potential elector must be 18 years or older, must be a Canadian citizen, and must be registered on the voters’ list in order to vote in a federal election.
A potential elector must have a driver’s license, must be 21 years or older, and must be registered on the voters’ list in order to vote in a federal election.
A potential elector must be a landed immigrant, must be 18 years or older, and must be registered on the voters’ list in order to vote in a federal election.
A potential elector must be 21 years or older, must work for the government, and must be a landed immigrant in order to vote in a federal election.



What is the meaning of the term “Premier”?
Premier is the title given to the head of government of a Canadian province or territory.
Premier is the title given to the head of government of the country of Canada.
Premier is the title given to the head of government of the Municipality of Toronto.
Premier is the title given to the Queen’s representative in Canada.



Which oceans line Canada’s frontiers??
The Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean
The Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean



When is ‘Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day’ celebrated?
November 20th
May 9th
December 26th
November 21st



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Citizen Quiz 5

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All You Need to Know About Canada Citizenship Test

Once you apply for Canadian citizenship, you will receive an email for the citizenship test. You are here means you might have received the notice or you are planning to apply for citizenship. Some find the test a bit difficult since it focuses on the history, geography, symbols, culture, and politics of Canada. There is no doubt that you will have to start your preparation much before the due date to perform well in the citizenship test. In this article, we will make things easier for you. We will cover all the possible aspects so that you can write the test confidently.

What Is the Canada Citizenship Exam?

Canada Citizenship TestThe test is about evaluating your knowledge about Canada. If you meet all the eligibility requirements to become a citizen of Canada, you can apply for citizenship. You will get a notification through email to appear for the test. When it comes to the test, it will combine both written test and interview. The time limit for the written test is thirty minutes. However, if you are unable to write English or French, you might be asked to appear in an interview. It is worth mentioning that even if you pass the test, you will have to face the interview. The difference is that it will be shorter. If you appear for the interview directly, it will be a bit longer from around thirty minutes to ninety minutes. Mostly, these are in-person interviews. But in rare cases, they might consider teleconference.

What Do You Need to Prepare for the Test?

In the Canada citizenship test, questions will come to know your proficiency level in English and French languages. In addition to these languages, they will test your knowledge about Canada’s history, culture, politics, civics, government, and many more. You can prepare the following for the test.

  • Canadian history
  • Canadian society
  • The form of the government
  • Rights, duties, and freedoms of Canadian citizenship
  • The Canadian political system
  • Symbols of Canada

When it comes to the interview, they will mostly verify your documents if you have already passed the test. Therefore, you will have to ensure that you have the original documents of all those copies that you have submitted with the citizenship application form. Also, you will have to show the travel documents for the last five years. You will have to show your passports (current and expired) as well.

Which Resources Can Be Helpful for Canadian Citizenship Test ?

For the test, you will have to study Discover Canada. It is a must since the guide is developed by the government to help all those who want to know more about Canada. It will cover almost everything that includes politics, government, symbols, and the rights and responsibilities of a Canadian citizen. You can read it online. You can access the audio format as well. If you combine both the text and audio, you will have a better understanding. You can also get the printed version. Go through every aspect of the guide and make sure that you are preparing notes. If you prepare notes, you can check them whenever there is any confusion.

Take Practice Test

Even if you feel that you can perform well in the test, you should take some online practice tests. These tests are free and can help you to understand the procedure. You will find many free online tests. You can write as much as possible. You are not going to spend on these practice tests. However, they will make you confident and might inspire you to prepare more if you lack something. Even if you are performing well in practice tests, you should re-read Discover Canada. With the right preparation, you can complete your Canada citizenship test fast.

CIC Citizenship Test Requirements

You will receive the notice just about one or two weeks before the test. The notice will have the time, date, and location. If you are unable to reach there on the due time and date for any obvious reason, you will have to explain to the concerned authorities. Otherwise, they might not process your application. You can email them or contact them through the web form.

You will have to bring a few things while coming for the test. Make sure that you have the notice, your PR card, and two pieces of the ID card. Your ID card must have your signature or photograph. If your ID card is not in French or English, you will have to give the translation. You will have to ensure that you have an affidavit from your translator.

In addition to the above, bring all your travel documents and passports. You can check the notice to know about the other documents that you need to carry with you for writing the test.

Test Day

As stated earlier, the test will be of thirty minutes long. It will be in French or English. There will be twenty questions, and all of them will be multiple-choice questions. You will have to score fifteen to pass the test.

You are prepared for the written test, right? However, exceptions can happen, and the citizenship official might prefer an oral state over the written test. Therefore, you will have to prepare for them both. If you cannot read French or English, then the officer might ask for an oral test.

After the test, you will have to appear for the interview. The officer will check your language skills and verify all the original documents, as mentioned above. After this, you will get a ceremony date. It might be given on the same date. If it is not given on the same date, they might send you an email or letter with the time and date of the oath-taking ceremony.

Even if you do not pass the Canadian citizenship test, you will get a second chance. Also, if you do not perform well in the second test, you can get citizenship. The difference is that you will have to give a lengthy interview. You are just a few steps away from citizenship! Do your preparation and must take practice tests.